I tried this root beer and was immediately transported back in time to my childhood. It was one of the most amazing root beer experiences of my life!

I tried this root beer and was immediately transported back in time to my childhood. It was one of the most amazing root beer experiences of my life!
Inspiration for Better Living
I Made A Phone Call To Heaven
October 11, 2016
Today is my Mother's birthday. Although she passed away 12 years ago, I still celebrate this day because it was the day she was born. I am so grateful she was born because I would never want another Mother. My Mom was and is my favorite person of all time. She was full of love and grace and joy and happiness, but also pain and sorrow and anger and rage. She played every emotion gifted to us as a human being, she was not afraid of any of them.
When I was baby, I remember my Mother teaching me "The Twist" in my play pen in our living room. Later, she taught me to move and shake across the kitchen floor. We danced more times than I could count. She taught me to pray and she she taught me the art of storytelling. When I was young I loved to sit at the kitchen table and listen to my Mother tell me stories of her life. She loved to reminisce about her teenage years and all the fun she had with her sister Bobbie. She told me a million stories of her seven sisters and of her childhood besties Maddie and Judy. But my Mother's favorite stories always included her Mother.
She loved her Mother in a very special way and always wished I could have met her. "My Mother would have loved you, Wally,” she would often say. My Mother would tell me a story and somewhere along the line would simply start singing. The songs she sang were always so beautiful and full of emotion. I sat, glued to the chair, and listened. Singing at the kitchen table was her way a making a phone call to Heaven. I finally understand what she was doing all those years ago, for today I am doing the same thing. I hope you hear me sing.
I wanted to tell my Mother today how grateful I am that she shared her stories with me. That she trusted me enough to tell me how she really felt. She showed me it was okay to feel all the things we feel. My Mother had the most amazing laugh. She laughed form way down deep in her soul. I do that today, and I know she taught me that as well. Mothers are never perfect, but My Mother was perfect for me. I love you Ma, and I feel you with me and feel you in the sunshine today. I know you walk beside me. Thank you for teaching me to love.